
Baked Apples with Oats & Chamomile & Some Goals

As much as I love the holidays, they tend to make me forget things other than eating sweets, being lazy, eating more sweets, sleeping late, and did I mention eating sweets?  Yeah, so I guess it's pretty obvious I've been indulging lately, but that's what happens when you go home for Christmas and everyone gives you huge boxes of cookies and candies.  Gotta love family and the holidays.

Aside from the sugar coma I almost put myself in and the lounging around, I've been thinking a lot about goals and the new year.  I usually don't make resolutions, but I think this year I am going to sit down and make a list.  I have many thoughts and ideas swimming around in my head concerning this blog and sweet miscellany so the easiest way for me to organize them is to put pen to paper.  I have not yet made a cogent list, but I can tell you that I have plans to re-design the layout of my blog.  I am also considering making a transition to completely vegan baked goods (with perhaps the only exception being honey).  It may sound crazy, but I think it goes with the main theme of making things healthier (and tastier!).

After my spiel about sweets and sugar comas, the last thing you probably want is another dessert, but this is more of a healthy and tasty snack.  It's just sweet enough to be a dessert if you want it to, but it's definitely healthy and tasty enough to be a snack.  Baking the apples brings out their natural and delicious juices while the oat topping laced with chamomile gives them a streusel feel.  You may think chamomile and oats sound odd together, but TRUST on this one.  It will knock your socks off.  Oh, these beauties are not only healthy, they are gluten free and vegan!

Baked Apples with Oats & Chamomile
I used whole dried German chamomile flowers and ground them up.  If you can't find them, a bit of loose chamomile tea will work just as well.  These are delicious served with a bit of vegan coconut or vanilla ice cream while still warm.      
2 granny smith apples, cut in half and cored
about 1/4 cup whole rolled oats
1 tbsp coconut oil, solid at room temperature (not warmed)
1/4 tsp dried chamomile, ground
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp agave or honey

Preheat your oven to 375F and line a baking dish with foil.  In a small bowk, combine the oats, chamomile, and cinnamon.  Add the cooconut oil and agave or honey and mash into the oat mixture until everything is sticking together and a streusel type topping forms.  Place the 4 apples halves in your baking dish, cut side up.  Put 1/4 of the mixture on each of the apple halves, pressing down a bit if needed.  Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the oat topping is golden and the apples are tender.  Can be served warm or at room temperature.  Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    This means that you actually get rid of fat by eating Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from major medicinal journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
