
Autumn Love

I don't have a new recipe for you today (I'm hoping to remedy that this weekend), but I do have some fall inspiration for you from the archives.  I realized I haven't been baking much at all outside of farmers market prep because it's been so hot. I think I'm putting an end to that this weekend come hell or high water because I'm declaring it autumn in my world. It may be 95 degrees out but I'm baking, dammit! To be honest, this has actually been the most mild summer in ages. We haven't had to suffer through too much extreme heat and it was still cool and pleasant in June! I'm hoping the "cooling" trend continues into the next season so that we may be able to experience more of a "true" autumn. Hey, a girl can dream.

As promised, here's some autumn-y inspiration from the archives:

pumpkin steel cut oats with maple cinnamon apples

homemade chai concentrate
toasted hazelnut & chocolate chip pumpkin muffins

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these recipes from the archives! I think you have inspired me to celebrate Autumn also!
