
Cardamom & Rose Scented Ladoo

First order of business though it's a few days late: Happy New Year! I hope everyone is feeling the creative and inspiring energy in the air this time of the year and using it wisely.

Second order of business: I LURVE INDIAN FOOD! I might even take it a step further and boldly claim that Indian is my favorite above all other cuisines. Indian food is my comfort food. It speaks to my heart and soul, satisfying and nourishing like no other cuisine can. I tend to use Indian spices in my cooking and baking more than any others because I love the aromas that waft through the kitchen. Those scents always mean that something good is coming.

One of my favorite places here in Houston has a bake lab upstairs where they sell all kids of tempting goodies. All of the sweets and treats are original, inventive, and have some of the best flavors combinations I've ever tasted. Right before I went completely gluten free I had a saffron, orange, and chocolate brioche roll that was pretty freaking amazing. On my last visit I decided to try something new and came home with a couple of ladoo. I was pretty much sold when I saw that they had both cardamom and coconut in them. Go figure.

Since I had never really heard of ladoo, I decided to research them a bit. They are an Indian sweet typically made of a mixture of flour, ghee, and sugar that is cooked over the stove, then rolled into balls. Obviously there are tons of add-ins, spices, and other flavorings that can be added, but the base ingredients are rather simple. Since some or all of you might be watching what you eat I decided to create a mostly raw and no-cook version. I flavored them with cardamom, vanilla, and rose since this is I love this amazing combo (see my birthday cake from last year). The ladoo are gluten free, vegan, grain free, mostly raw, and no cooking is involved! How's that for a tasty little treat?

Mostly Raw Cardamom & Rose Scented Ladoo
notes: I recommend using fresh Medjool dates if possible. If you can only find dried ones, soften them in a bit of warm water before using.

1/4 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup raw almonds
3 tbsp coconut flour (or, you can use 1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut)
pinch of sea salt
1 cup of fresh Medjool dates, pitted (this was about 7 dates for my batch)
1/2 tsp ground cardamom (the fresher the better!)
2 splashes of rose water (or to your taste)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/3 cup of shredded unsweetened coconut to roll them in (optional)

In a food processor, add the cashews, almonds, and coconut flour and pulse a couple of times to chop up the nuts. Add the remaining ingredients and pulse until the mixture starts to stick together and form a ball. If it seems too sticky, add more coconut flour. If it seems too dry, add a splash or two of water. When the mixture is ready, roll tablespoon sized portions into balls, then roll the balls in the shredded coconut. Store in an airtight container. Makes 14-15 ladoo.

I had to share this one at the end of the post. One of the dogs decided to sit pretty while I was photographing because he thought he was going to get one of the treats I made :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this photo of Prince and the Jax beer cooler! Such a yummy start to 2015!
