
Mediterranean Sorghum Salad

When I started this blog four (!!!) years ago, it was to be a creative space where I could share what was going on in my kitchen and in the world of Sweet Miscellany baked goods and product testing. Over these past four years, the posts have ebbed and flowed along with my interests but the blog has always remained my own personal corner of the internet where I can share and create. When life seemed unhappy, I would get in the kitchen and come up with a new post to nourish both my tummy and my soul. These posts have seen me through a lot and will hopefully continue to do so for a very long time.

In the past couple of months, my presence here dwindled to a frightening new low. I was vastly unhappy in my "new" job and the toxic effects of this started to seep into every part of my life. My mental and physical health were suffering and I started feeling trapped. I barely had the energy to go to work and yoga let alone cook for myself or photograph blog posts. I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until one day recently when my mom told me I just didn't look like myself. She said I seemed so defeated and exhausted. So, I decided to fix the problem. In a little over a week, I'll be "retiring" from Whole Foods. I'm going to take the time to focus on my dreams and the health coaching program I'm in. I don't want to waste anymore time in jobs that make me unhappy and don't align with my dreams and goals.

My brother sent me a quote recently in which an author is describing her career. It couldn't have been more appropriate: "I do think that you know it when you’re not living the life you were meant to live. You have to find the people you are meant to find and do the things you are meant to do and do them as well as you can. This is what you owe the world; you owe the world your best self.”

Isn't that amazing?! You owe the world your BEST self. My intention and mantra for now is going to be just that. I owe the world my best self. And my best self is going to start using this creative space again to share recipes and other miscellany that will hopefully inspire others in a positive way.

Before I leave you with this simple summery grain salad, I'll let you in on the very intricate workings of my brain and how it came to be. I was leaving work and decided to pick up some avocados on the way out. The avocados are by the display of fresh herbs so I decided to take a gander. I spy oregano and remember how good fresh oregano smells. Mmmm oregano. It goes so well with olives and tomatoes. Oooh! Mediterranean flavors! I should make a big ass grain salad with tomatoes, arugula, olives, basil, and oregano! BOOM. A recipe was born.  See? An intricate thought process I tell you.

Mediterranean Sorghum Salad
I soaked my sunflower seeds for an hour to soften them up a bit and help release the phytic acid, but if you are short on time, feel free to omit this step. I set my sorghum to cooking then leisurely chopped and prepped everything as it cooked so I could throw it all together effortlessly.

1 cup sorghum, rinsed
2 cups filtered water

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 large garlic clove, finely minced
juice and zest of 1 large lemon
1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
1/3 cup pitted olives, roughly chopped
1/3 cup soaked & rinsed sunflower seeds
1 packed tbsp chopped fresh oregano
packed 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh basil
4-5 packed cups baby arugula
sea salt & freshly ground pepper to taste

Combine the water and sorghum in a pot. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce it to a simmer and cover the pot. Cook the sorghum for 45 to 55 minutes until it is soft but with a bit of chew. Drain any excess water.

While the sorghum is cooking, prepare all of your other ingredients. In a large bowl, combine the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice/zest, and sea salt and black pepper to taste. Whisk well to combine. In a separate medium-sized bowl, combine the tomatoes, olives, sunflower seeds, oregano, basil, and arugula. Add the cooked sorghum to the large bowl with the dressing, then toss to combine. Add the remaining ingredients and toss well to combine. Taste the salad then adjust with more salt and pepper as needed. Can be served chilled or at room temperature. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, you have created yet ANOTHER unique dish that is yummy and nutritious! I am glad to know that I still have some influence on you! Love you!
