
Cape Cod

Things have been quiet the past couple of weeks over here at Sweet Miscellany because I went on a vacation! A real live vacation! And it was longer than a weekend! Yay! Some of my family went to Cape Cod to enjoy the sun, beach, and much cooler temperatures. It was heavenly. And, it has us (me included) thinking about re-locating to Massachusetts at some point in the near future.

I took a lot of photos, though not as much as I would have liked. I realized how uncomfortable I am taking photos of things other than food so I was trying to get out of my comfort zone. I kind of felt like a goofy tourist when I had my camera hanging around my neck so I didn't use it as much as I could have. I guess I just need to get over that and own it. I decided to share some of my favorites here in case you want to live vicariously through them. Enjoy! :)


  1. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing. I've always thought that would be a nice area to visit. You showed me that it is.

    1. It's so lovely there! The weather was so much nicer too! It was 57 degrees one morning :)

  2. Tears. In eyes. Ready to leave whenever you are. Thanks for capturing such beauty, and moments that feel as lovely in my mind as they look through your lens.

  3. Courtney, you are so talented! Such wonderful memories that I will NEVER forget! Moving forward with a plan!
